Solving Challenges Course


A comprehensive project aiming at empowering already the young and non-experts for solving the future environmental & energy challenges !

Project number:


Project duration:

01.11.2021 – 01.11.2024

Unlimited Access

Enroll for free


This project is to obtain a whole education package on renewable energy and develop a course on solar thermal energy. Thus, a newlearning and teaching methosds and approaches will be developed, creating new and novel cirricula.

The specific curriculum will be modular to fit various use cases, there over the course sums up to a newly built functioning solar thermal energy plant built by pupils. Scientific background, excellent planning, skilled tech-working — our course shall provide learners with all inter-disciplinary skills and competences needed. These skills will go far beyond technology and include learning on the whole process.


As renewable energy

is one of the most important pillar of a sustainable and secure energy supply of the future, integrating renewable energy education in the classrooms today is of high relevance. However, not even schools focusing on STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) integrate skills and competences on renewables to an adequate extent. Pupils of schools without such a focus have even less points of contact with that future key theme. Overall, there is
a lack of educational concepts in this important field.


With this project

we will we develop a transnationally useful, interdisciplinary applicable basis for education on renewables on a sufficiently detailed, country specific, target group oriented and scientifically funded level for schools of all types with age focus 10-14.

By cooperating,

we will get a product that will raise the quality of teaching. It’s about interdisciplinary teaching in the context of environment, economy, climate change, renewable energy.






Modules in Course

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with the Community

Solving Challenges Course
